who am I?

Who am I?
I am one happy little mama.... with a slight obsession.
I have no formal art education.
My name is Jennifer Schultz. I am a self-taught artist living in Atlanta, GA with my sweet family...and, loving it!
I've always loved to draw! My love of drawing started when I was a young girl. I used to sit at our dinner table and draw the various faces in magazines, or a plant in the living room. Anything! I still have some of those old drawings.
Throughout my adult life, keeping a drawing pad and some sort of drawing tool nearby has been a challenge but, one worth fighting for. Creating art is a process that brings me so much happiness. I have many hobbies and interests but my art is always there when I'm ready.
My older blog is here: http://jenschultz32.wix.com/onehappylittlemama#!
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